Technical Presentations

 1. The Technical Briefing



8-10 minutes

 Using a systematic approach, organize technical material into a concise presentation.
 Tailor the presentation to the audience's needs, interests and knowledge levels.

 2. The Proposal



8-10 minutes, plus 3-5 minutes (Q&A)

 To prepare a technical presentation advocating a product, service, idea or course of action.
 To present your viewpoint logically and convincingly, using an inverted-pyramid approach.
 To effectively use a flipchart to illustrate your message.
 To effectively handle a question-and-answer period.

 3. The Nontechnical Audience



10-12 minutes

 Understand the principles of communicating complex information to nontechnical listeners.
 Build and deliver an interesting talk based on these principles.
 Answer audience questions that arise during the presentation.
 Use overhead transparancies to illustrate your message.

 4. Presenting a Technical Paper



10-12 minutes

 Deliver an interesting speech based on a technical paper or article.
 Effectively use a flipchart, overhead projector or slides to illustrate your message.

 5. The Team Technical Presentation



20-30 minutes

 Understand the nature and process of a team technical presentation.
 Conceptualize a briefing or proposal involving three or more speakers, including yourself.
 Assemble a team of club members capable of getting the job done.
 Orchestrate the planning, preparation and delivery of a team technical presentation.

Note: For some speech projects, the presentation time may also include additional segments for such activities as question-and-answer periods, depending on the project.