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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



Accenture, 69
Access (to Key Players), 175–176, 180
Active accounts, 210
Adversaries, 169, 176, 178
Advertising, 130–131
Advice, unsolicited, 50
AI (artificial intelligence) industry, 36
American Marketing Association, 13, 84
Asking questions, 39
diagnosing problems by, 50
offering opinions vs., 3
and posturing, 200
at Trade Shows, 129
Assessing salespeople, 217–234
flaws in, 221–223
and leveraging manager experience, 228–233
performance vs. skill mastery in, 223–224
in regrading sessions, 233–234
and selling skills, 224–228
and training, 219–221
Auditability, 65, 209
Automation, 27

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

Table of Contents, Customer Focused Selling Resources Page
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