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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California

Rule 9: Drive Toward exceptional Results

Several key elements will contribute to your success. The first is the solutions you deliver to customers. A second element is your boss. A third is how effectively you influence people with your proposals. And a fourth is how well you communicate your ideas in your presentations. This section will cover the last three areas.

Managing Up

It's not unusual for someone to remark to me, "The challenge I have isn't with the people I work with—it's with the person I work for. How do I manage up?" Everyone who rises to a leadership position in an organization has worked for someone who is difficult to work for.

Sometimes the person is difficult to work for because he or she was promoted into the job based on sales or technical skills rather than on solid people skills. Sometimes the person may just have a different style. Sometimes the person may not realize there is a better way to manage. Here are seven solutions for those situations.

Table of Contents, The Rules Of Selling Resources Page
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