Present an introductory short talk or brief lecture describing a theory, model or information about a topic that will be discussed by a group following the presentation.
Organize the information so that it is easy to understand and can be remembered.
Orient the group to think about the specific goal of the discussion that follows.
Use a buzz session discussion technique to promote group participation in deriving information leading to a solution to the problem.
2. The Round Robin
20-30 minutes
Establish the meaning of a question with a discussion group.
Using a problem solving pattern, lead the participants in a brainstorming session.
Screen the possible solutions and lead the group in deciding what action to take.
3. Pilot a Panel
30-40 minutes
Select a problem for panel discussion. Select not less than three members in advance to speak on the panel.
Define the common goals and the purpose of the panel.
Acting as moderator, monitor the panel discussion to inform the audience.
4. Make Believe (Role Playing)
20-30 minutes
Understand what role-playing is and how to use it effectively in group communication.
Select a problem involving human relatons in which you may use the role-playing method to illustrate and explore the problem.
Create a plot and characters relevant to the discussion problem and select a cast from among the group members.
5. The Workshop Leader
30-40 minutes
Building group unity, guide the workshop participants in an investigative discussion of the problem.
Follow a problem solving pattern to arrive at a solution.
Bring the group to an agreement before the discussion ends.
Note: For some speech projects, the presentation time may also include additional segments for such activities as question-and-answer periods, depending on the project.