Persuasive Speaking

 1. The Effective Salesperson



8 to 12 minutes => 3-4 min speech, short scenario intro, 3-5 min role play

 Learn a technique for selling an inexpensive product in a retail store.
 Recognize a buyer's thought processes in making a purchase.
 Elicit information from a prospective buyer through questions.
 Match the buyer's situation with the most appropriate product.

 2. Conquering the "Cold Call



10 to 14 minutes => 3-4 min speech, short scenario intro, 5-7 min role play, 2-3 min discussion

 Learn a technique for "cold call" selling of expensive product or services.
 Recognize the risks buyers assume in purchasing.
 Use questions to help the buyer discover problems with his or her current situation.
 Successfully handle buyer's objections and concerns.

 3. The Winning Proposal



5-7 minutes

 Prepare a proposal advocating an idea or course of action.
 Organize the proposal using the six-step method provided.

 4. Addressing the Opposition



7 to 9 minutes speech; 2-3 minutes Q&A

 Prepare a talk on a controversial subject that persuades an audience to accept or at least consider your viewpoint.
 Construct the speech to appeal to the audience's logic and emotions.

 5. The Persuasive Leader



6-8 minutes

 Communicate your vision and mission to an audience.
 Convince your audience to work toward achieving your vision and mission.

Note: For some speech projects, the presentation time may also include additional segments for such activities as question-and-answer periods, depending on the project.