This project focuses on creating a communication plan by gathering evidence to support the need for change and communicating change with your audience.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to effectively communicate change to a group or organization.
Overview: Develop a plan for communicating a change to an audience affected by the change. At a club meeting, communicate the change in a 5- to 7-minute speech. You may speak about a real or hypothetical change that affects your club or another group in your life. This speech is not a report on the content of this project, but a speech about how you would or will communicate a real or hypothetical change.
This project includes:
● Developing a plan for communicating change
● A 5- to 7-minute speech
This project addresses the skills you need to develop a podcast, create interesting content and organize a cohesive program. You will learn how to record and upload it to the internet.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to introduce you to the skills needed to organize and present a podcast.
Overview: Use this project and your own research to create a podcast. Record a minimum of 60 minutes of content. You are free to divide the episodes as you choose. Each separate episode must be at least 10 minutes, but may be longer if it fits your topic and style. After you record all content, play a 5- to 10-minute segment in your club. Introduce the segment in a 2- to 3-minute speech..
This project includes:
● Recording 60 minutes of podcast content
● A 2- to 3-minute introduction speech
This project addresses how best to use different types of online communication. You will create and maintain an online profile to promote yourself or an organization.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to apply your understanding of social media to enhance an established or new social media presence.
Overview: Use this project and your own research to build a new social media presence or enhance an existing presence. You may focus on a personal goal (such as connecting with old friends or promoting a blog) or on a professional goal (such as promoting a business or organization). Use the tools you identify as best for you and your purpose. After you achieve your goal, deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech to your club about your results, experience, and the benefits of social media. Submit the Project Completion Form to your vice president education to receive credit for completing the project.
Note: With the vice president public relation’s approval, you may choose to create a social media presence for your Toastmasters club.
This project includes:
● Establishing or enhancing a social media presence
● The Project Completion Form
● A 5- to 7-minute speech
This project covers common behaviors of difficult audience members and how to address each behavior in a calm, effective and professional way.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to address audience challenges when you present outside of your Toastmasters club.
Overview: Prepare a 5- to 7-minute speech on a topic of your choosing. You may write a new speech or use a speech you presented previously. You will be evaluated on the way you manage audience disruptions, not the content of your speech. Before your club meeting, send the Role Play Assignments resource to the Toastmaster and vice president education. As you present your speech, respond to different types of difficult audience members that disrupt you. The process of speaking and responding to audience members will take 12 to 15 minutes.
This project includes:
● A role play assignment for club members
● A 5- to 7-minute speech
This project addresses the basics of developing a compelling blog and successfully engaging a readership.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to review or introduce the skills needed to write and maintain a blog.
Overview: Post a minimum of eight blog posts in one month. Your blog may be new or one you have already established. You must receive approval from the vice president education to blog on behalf of your club. Deliver a 2- to 3-minute speech at a club meeting about the impact of your blogging experience. You may choose to have your blog evaluated by members of the club. Submit your signed Project Completion Form to the vice president education to receive credit for this project.
This project includes:
● Maintaining a blog and posting at least eight times in one month
● The Blog Evaluation Form
● The Project Completion Form
● A 2- to 3-minute speech
This project addresses how to effectively conduct online meetings and webinars, prepare and organize necessary visual aids, and lead with confidence.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice facilitating an online meeting or leading a webinar.
Overview: Conduct a 20- to 25-minute online meeting with fellow Toastmasters or a 20- to 25-minute webinar with visual aids for fellow Toastmasters. You determine the topic of your meeting or webinar. Research and use software that best fits your needs and geographic area. Invite your evaluator to participate in the online meeting or webinar. If you complete your assignment with non-Toastmasters, you must receive approval from the vice president education and invite your evaluator to attend.
This project includes:
● The Online Meeting Agenda resource
● The Online Meeting Basics resource
● Planning and conducting a 20- to 25-minute online meeting or webinar
This project addresses how to prepare to answer questions and provide information clearly, concisely and with confidence.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to learn about and practice facilitating a question-and-answer session.
Overview: Select a topic of which you are particularly knowledgeable. Prepare and deliver a speech on this topic, followed by a question-and-answer session. Together, the speech and question-and-answer session must be 15 to 20 minutes. Use your time effectively to ensure both segments are completed.
This project includes:
● A 5-to 7-minute speech
● A question-and-answer session after the speech
This project focuses on how to promote awareness of an organization, formulate a public relations strategy and use various public relations tactics.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice the skills needed to effectively use public relations strategies for any group or situation.
Overview: Create a public relations plan for a real or hypothetical group or situation. If it involves your club, it must be hypothetical unless you communicate with the vice president public relations and club president. Share your plan in a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting. This speech is not a report on the content of this project, but an example of how you will or might apply what you learned.
This project includes:
● Creating a public relations strategy
● A 5- to 7-minute speech
This project focuses on skills needed to effectively manage a project, develop rapport with stakeholders and cultivate strong relationships with a team.
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to practice developing a plan, building a team, and fulfilling the plan with the help of your team.
Overview: Form a team of three to four people and choose a project. Create a plan for your project and present the plan to your club in a 2- to 3-minute speech. Work with your team to complete your project. Present a 5- to 7-minute speech about your experience. This speech may be humorous, informational, or any type of speech that appeals to you. It should not be a report about the content of this project, but a reflection of your experience applying what you learned.
Note: When considering projects to complete, refer to future projects on your path. You may be able to use the assignment in this project to help you prepare for the completion of an upcoming project.
This project includes:
● Building a team
● Creating a project plan
● The Project Plan resource
● A 2- to 3-minute speech about your plan
● Completing the plan with your team
● A 5- to 7-minute speech about your experience