The seven CEOs featured in this resource were selected on the basis of research conducted over a 4-year period. This research included interviews with CEOs, interviews with experts, and a careful review of literally hundreds of books, articles, speeches, annual reports, web sites, stock charts, and so on.
When this project began, the list of possible CEOs numbered more than three dozen. The final list was determined fairly late in the process—in the spring of 2002, when the initial research phase of the book was complete. In some cases, these also-rans fell victim to the hard times that followed the turn of the century. (They didn't survive professionally, or their organizations were acquired or merged.) But more often, they fell off the list because, strong reputations notwithstanding, they did not meet the criteria for inclusion. Yes, they were accomplished in their own way, but their accomplishments did not seem to speak as loudly as their reputations, or did not promise to apply across a broad spectrum of business situations.