Behaving with courtesy and consideration for others helps to keep morale up so people can focus on real tasks instead of being angry at each other. Here are a few ideas to make life more pleasant in the office:
Don't jam the copier and then slide away.
Take out the coloured paper you were using in the copier and replace it with white paper.
Don't hog the fax machine.
Don't send forty-page faxes in prime time.
Make fresh coffee when it's your turn or you have had the last cup.
Don't leave your speaker phone on.
Change the toner once in a while.
Treat other people's incoming faxes as important. Take them to the intended recipient right away.
Clean out the three-hole punch.
Close filing cabinet drawers when you're done.
Take your turn watering the office plants.
Don't send e-mail chain letters to your colleagues.
Keep your music low.
Encourage your office visitors to be respectful of others' space and privacy.