Self-confidence will make or break your career. People who feel good about themselves and their abilities will tend to
take risks;
volunteer for challenging tasks;
voice their opinions at meetings.
These are the people who will do best. Here's how you can improve your self-confidence:
Give yourself daily affirmations. Say to yourself, "I'm terrific" or "I can do anything" when you get up or arrive at work.
Look in the mirror each morning and greet yourself with a smile. Tell yourself how terrific you are.
Reward yourself for achievement, no matter how small. Take a break, buy yourself an extra coffee or paste a motivational sticker on your equipment to acknowledge your achievement.
Complete all tasks, no matter how unpleasant they may be. And do them to the best of your ability. Then pat yourself on the back to confirm your grit and determination.
Ask for feedback from your boss and peers when you have completed a new task. Most people will be kind and will acknowledge your achievement.
Ask for regular informal feedback to confirm that you are on track. Don't wait for your annual appraisal to find out how you are doing.
Take every opportunity to learn new ideas and skills. Put them into practice quickly. Review the results.