Table of Contents, Coaching Change Resources Page
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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California

Further Reading

Belasco, James A (1990) Teaching the Elephant to Dance: Empowering change in your organisation, Hutchinson Business, London

Belbin, Meredith B (1981) Management Teams, Heinemann, London

Black, Jack (1994) Mindstore, Thorsons, London

Bohm, David and Nichol, Lee (1996) On Dialogue, Routledge, London

Buzan, Tony (1995) Use Your Head, 4th edn, BBC, London

Buzan, Tony and Buzan, Barry (1993) The Mind Map Book, BBC, London

CBI in association with KPMG (2001) Intellectual Property: A business guide, CBI, London

Csikzentmihalyi, Mihalyi (1990) Flow, Harper & Row, New York

De Bono, E (1999) Six Thinking Hats, Little, Brown & Co, Boston, MA

Dyson, J (1998) Against the Odds: An autobiography, Trafalgar Square, London

Gardner, H (1993) Frames of Mind, Basic Books, New York

Handy, Charles (1994) The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London

Helmstetter, Shad (1998) What to Say When You Talk to Yourself, Cynus

Jaworski, Joe and Senge, Peter (1998) Synchronicity, Berrett-Koeler, San Francisco

Kanter, Rosabeth M (1983) The Change Masters, Allen & Unwin, London

Kanter, Rosabeth M (1989) When Giants Learn to Dance, Simon & Schuster, London

Kao, John (1996) Jamming: The art and discipline of business creativity, Harper Collins, London

Kolb, David A, Rubin, I M and McIntyre, J M (1994) Organisational Psychology: An experiential approach to organisational behavior, 4th edn, Prentice Hall, London

LeBoeuf, Michael (1976) Creative Thinking, Piatkus, London

O'Connor, Joseph and Seymour, John (1990) Introducing NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming, Mandala, London

O'Connor, Joseph and Seymour, John (1994) Training with NLP: Skills for managers, trainers and communicators, Thorsons, London

Peters, Tom (1992) Liberation Management, Knopf, New York

Peters, Tom, and Austin, Nancy (1985) A Passion for Excellence, Collins, London

Ridderstråle, J and Nordstrom, K (2000) Funky Business,, London

Salovey, P, Mayer, J D and Caruso, D R (1997) Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for an intelligence, unpublished manuscript

Senge, Peter M (1990) The Fifth Discipline, Doubleday, New York

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Table of Contents, Coaching Change Resources Page
Previous Section, Coaching For Life And Organizational Change Next Section, Coaching For Life And Organizational Change