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What a Leadership Message Does: The Four I's

Leadership messages must communicate information as well as open the door for participation by the listener. As such, the leadership message must do these four things (see Figure 3-2):[2]

All four elements need not be apparent in every message. Sometimes the leader's message is simply an update. Other times it's a call to action or an invitation to do something. But over the course of a leader's tenure, the success of leadership communications depends upon including these four elements over and over again.

When a leader informs his or her people, involves others in the effort, ignites ideas about what is to be done, and invites people to participate in the process, that leader gains support for his or her ideas and makes the process of achieving results possible. Also, as with all strong leadership messages, the leader makes it possible to build greater levels of trust, the bond upon which all leadership must be grounded.

[2] Synopsizing four points of a communications model (empathize, engage, educate, enlist) from James Wanless, Intuition @ Work & at Home and at Play.

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