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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California

Appendix D

Sentence Starters

Expressive Behaviors


"I recommend that . . . "

"I suggest that we . . . "

"It's important to me that . . . "

"I need . . . "


"My analysis shows . . . "

"The reasons are . . . "

"This could help us achieve . . . "

"The benefits would be . . . "


"If you will do this, I will . . . "

"In exchange, I'll . . . "

"Here's what I can do to make it work . . . "

"I need to let you know the consequences of . . . "


"Here's what I believe could happen . . . "

"I can see us . . . "

"As a team, we can . . . "

"I know you are capable of . . . "

Receptive Behaviors


"What do you think about . . . "

"What ideas do you have for . . . "

"Help me understand . . . "

"Tell me more about . . . "


"So from your point of view . . . "

"Your problem with this is . . . "

"I'm wondering if you're concerned about . . . "

"You seem hesitant. Could that be because. . . ?"


"I know how busy you are these days . . . "

"If I were in your shoes, I might want . . . "

"You're right. I should have . . . "

"I really need help on . . . "


"So your dilemma is . . . "

"On the one hand . . . and on the other. . . ."

"What would it take for you to . . . "

"How might you go about doing that?"

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

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