Inner leadership bases its utility on the power to excite, motivate, and coopt work-community members who come to share the leader's values.
Inner leaders clarify work-community values, displace incongruent individual values, and maintain the set of common values shared by both leader and led.
Values are more basic constructs than rules of conduct. They determine rules and rank them. They are the criteria people use in selecting actions, goals, and methods.
Traditional leadership tasks and skills are not useful to inner leaders. Rather, their tasks are of the mind, the soul, the spirit, asking them to get in touch with themselves in intimate ways as a necessary first step in changing followers in intimate ways.
Inner leadership deals with the whole person, with maturation of the spiritual, physical, and emotional, as well as economic dimensions of stakeholders.
Values define acceptable behavior as well as acceptable personal or corporate traits or characteristics.
Values displacement is a hallmark of inner leadership.
Leaders in the middle of the corporation prioritize traditional American values like respect for life, freedom of action, unity, justice, and happiness along with other values.
Values define both expectation and actual experience; and for this reason, the community's values system is an important dimension in defining and differentiating cultures.
Values are not rules of conduct; they are criteria for selecting rules that guide actions, goals, and methods.
The sense of much of the inner leadership literature is that values dictate work-community action and shape reward systems and measure individual and work-community success.
Do I watch for signs of helpful–hurtful values in my followers, as well as productivity and efficiency ones?
Do I understand that personal values are more powerful in shaping corporate action than formal rules and regulations?
Do I listen for values as well as information?
Have I developed a keen eye for what is happening in the office? Do I take the time to watch the processes, interactions, and relationships in the office?