Most people spend most of their lives in work. They want it to have a moral dimension.
Moral integrity argues for one ethical, moral standard, applicable in personal, social, economic, and all other aspects of life.
Inner leaders work to promote a moral standard for themselves and for their work community.
If leaders don't give their core values place at work—the most significant part of life for many, certainly in terms of time—they loose their moral centers.
Ethics means more than mere obedience to rule. It means doing the right thing for yourself and for the greatest number of people.
Some jobs ask leaders to sacrifice core values at the altar of the expedient.
Many Americans measure the operational manifestation of their morality by the Golden Rule: treating other human beings as they want to be treated.
It is apparent that leaders are acquiring a new language of leadership, one where it is again okay to use all of the operative "S" words—soul, sacred, spirit, and sin, as well as structure, standards, strategy, system, and style.
Successful inner leaders have learned that they cannot be successful over the long term unless they base their relationships with those assigned to assist them on moral systems.
Moral inner leadership is done in activity, and action involves risk.
Inner leaders are moral examples; and moral leaders prefer not to compromise, adapt, accommodate, or collaborate in areas where their core values are at stake.
Love defines the soul of moral leadership and the source of the inner leader's courage.
Some leaders operationalize their personal moral codes in the work community through formally adopted codes of ethics.
Morally centered leaders strive for integration, wholeness of self, spiritual unity, and integrity.
The measure of moral judgment is summed in positive answers to two questions: "How would I want to be treated in this situation?" (the Golden Rule) and "How will the decision or action read on the front page of the newspaper?" Measure your leadership on these criteria.
Do I try to create a community of interest that circumscribes both work community and member values, ethics, and morality?
Do I publish, by all possible means, a set of morals and ethical behavior that accurately reflects my vision?
Do I provide direction, incentive, inspiration, and support to my work communities and each member?
Do I include a clear moral dimension in my work choices and actions?
Do I think and act beyond narrowly defined business and political interests?