To be successful, to accomplish your goals, you've sometimes got to be hard on yourself. You need to take a good look inside and say, 'Where do I need to improve, and how do I do it? What do I need to do to become better?'
Sometimes it's how to become a better parent, a better friend, or a better employee. Sometimes it's how to become a better spouse. But there comes a time in all of our lives that we need to examine ourselves and ask if what we're doing at something is our best.
I challenge my players all the time to ask themselves and challenge themselves to figure out what they can do better as a player. I ask my coaches that, too. And I ask it of myself every day. I begin my day by trying to figure out what I did yesterday that I need to fix today. I know that if I push everyone around me, I need to push myself, too.
A team player . . .
Visualizes what can be.
Understands the big picture.
Realizes that his freedom to do his own thing has ended.
Knows that his obligation and responsibility to the team come first.
Has a commitment to goals.
Trusts his teammates and puts value in the team.
Respects his teammates' individual differences.
Handles conflict successfully.
Communicates openly and freely with his teammates and coaches.