You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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Facts, 91-93
Failure, fear of, 149-152
Fairness, 113-116
death of, 84-85
helping example of, 163-164
Favre, Brett, 23, 85
Fighting, 138-141
Finger pointing, 60-63
First quarter, 31-53
and communication, 34-38
and discipline, 49-52
and forming good habits, 52-53
and identifying necessary sacrifices, 38-41
and process focus, 42-44
and tardiness, 41-42
and teaching the why, 31-34
Flag, saluting the, 50
Flexibility, 19
Focus, 42-44
skills learned through, 6-7
Football camp, 164-165
Fordham University, 166
Fourth quarter, 137-152
and fear of failure, 149-152
and fighting to win, 138-141
and importance of winning, 137
and playing to win, 141-146
and positive attitude, 146-149
and pride of performance, 171-173
and valuing your name, 158-160
Friends, 57-59
Frustration, 132
Fun, 117

You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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