You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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Nachman of Bratslav, 79
Namath, Joe, 84
of contacts, 48
value of your, 158-160
National Basketball Association (NBA), 110, 121
National Football League (NFL):
diversity in, 110
divisional champs of, 143
minority intern program of, 67
shield of, 171
2002 playoffs for, 68-69
Negative thinking, 148-149
New England Patriots, 141
New York City, 170
New York Jets,
and communication, 34
and creating inconvenience, 15
and creating vision, 6-8
and delegating leadership, 17
and discipline, 49
job offer from, 105-106
and length of meetings, 87
and playing to win, 141-143
and relaxed/alert atmosphere, 117
security gate of, 93-94
'will' seen in, 22
youth football clinic run by, 165-166
New York Yankees, 169
NFL Coaches Questionnaire, 177-179
1960s, 39
North Carolina, 122

You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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