You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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Panic, 10
Parameters established, 33
Parcells, Bill, 34, 93, 94, 105
Partners, employees vs., 21
Patience, 29
Peer pressure, 39
Penalties, rewards vs., 12
Pennington, Chad:
changing quarterbacks with, 15-16
college choice of, 47
hand injury of, 83, 147
positioning, to succeed, 11-12
'will' seen in, 22-23
Performance, 171-173
Persistence, 139-140
Personal issues, 70-73
Philadelphia Eagles:
cut-down day with, 128
and father's death, 84
and handshaking, 168
and Billy Johnson, 111
opportunity with, 103
stadium changes for, 15
Philosophy, 19
Picking your battles, 140, 141
and dealing with obstacles, 82
focusing on, 43
making, 3-5
spelling out the game, 33
understanding of, 18-19
Playing to win, 141-146
Positioning for success, 9-13
Positive attitude, 19, 146-149
Post-game, 155-173
and experience, 160-163
and helping others, 163-166
and instilling pride, 169-171
and response to success, 155-158
and sharing the spotlight, 166-169
PowerPoint programs, 26
and details, 50
with a purpose, 26-27
deflecting, 167
and humility, 155-158
in marriage and family, 170, 171
Preparation, 14, 19
Preseason games, 27
Pressure, 117
instilling, 169-171
of performance, 171-173
Private confrontation, 37
Proactive, being, 48-49, 133-134
Process, focusing on, 42-44
Profile of a winning team, 145-146
Promises, 159-160
Public service ads, 88
Punishment, 75
facts to support, 91-93
practice with, 26-27

You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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