Table of Contents, Presentation Strategies Resources Page
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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



make it Actionable, 162-167
make it Memorable, 137-162
manage yourself, 173-190
difficult participants, and difficult situations, 25, 173-205
and establishing competence, 18
five factor to describe, 16, 17-23
memorable, actionable, and transferable, make it, 25
memory aids, 144-146
memory retention techniques, 11, 138-162
Merk Pharmaceuticals, 66
metaphorical, presentations, 87-88
metaphors, the power of, 154-155
mission statement, write a, 90
mixed structures, 88-89
mnemonic devices, 144-146
moments, defining, 149
mood of the audience, the, 41-42
movies, books, and courses, best, 254-257
muscle levels, 192-197
music, the power of, 157-158

Table of Contents, Presentation Strategies Resources Page
Previous Section, Presentation Strategies Next Section, Presentation Strategies