The script is extremely important, and so is the way you deliver the script. Following are some basic delivery techniques for successful telephone prospecting. These apply to all kinds of phone sales efforts, so keep them in mind as you read later sections of this chapter.
As you probably have already discovered, when you are prospecting, it is important that it not sound as though a script is being read. Therefore, you need to internalize the script. (This is not the same as memorizing; by "internalize," we mean make it your own.) Practice by delivering it into your own voicemail, then playing it back to evaluate your delivery. When actually making the calls, use a long phone cord, or a cell phone, or a headset, or any other device that will allow you to pace and gesture. Your voice and delivery tend to be more natural and animated when you are in motion than when you're sitting at your desk.
Another suggestion is to smile. While we have no research to support the notion that smiling will improve your results, it can't hurt. People can "hear" your smile. You'll feel better. So why not try it?