The following activities may be useful to individual leaders to gain experience and comfort in recognizing follower performance.
Instructions. Of the many rewards, incentives, and recognitions available to the inner leader to encourage followers to perform congruently with the leader's vision, select one that seems appropriate to the organization employing you.
Design a new recognition celebration or other program—or adapt an existing program—and apply it specifically to your work community.
Specify as much detail as possible, including
The specific behavior (or behavior-sets) this reward celebration program is intended to encourage.
Any administrative procedures needed to implement it. You need not design specific procedures, forms, and the like; but be specific enough to give your readers a sense of the scope and impact on existing administrative procedures this new program will have.
Sketches of the layout of certificates or other frameable documents that display the honoree's accomplishments.
Other information or policies that need to be developed and approved prior to implementation or during implementation and operating phases of this program.
Consider sharing your design plans with your leaders with the idea of implementing them.