You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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Habits, 52-53
Hackett, Paul, 20-21
Halftime, 81-99
and breaking down goals, 90-91
and challenging yourself, 99
and cutting corners, 95-98
and dealing with obstacles, 81-86
and facts, 91-93
and simplifying the message, 86-90
and trying all options, 93-95
Hamm, Mia, 72
Handshaking, 168, 169
Harter, Dick, 17
Hayes, Bob, 124-125
Head coach(es):
goal of becoming, 41, 64
of New York Jets, 7
taking a chance on, 121-122
Helping others, 66-69, 163-166
HIV, Magic Johnson's announcement of, 109-110
Hope, 147-149
Houston, 111
Humility, 153, 155, 158
Humor, 108

You Play to Win the Game - Leadership Lessons Westside Toastmasters, in Santa Monica
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