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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California

Appendix C

Sample Minutes

The following examples are minutes from two meetings: a regular meeting and an adjourned meeting.


Secretary: The regular meeting of Student Government was called to order April 10, at 3 p.m. by the president. The secretary was present. The minutes of the April 3 meeting were approved as read.

Because the treasurer had not arrived, the president proceeded to unfinished business. The motion to buy a computer and a laser printer not to exceed the cost of $1,000, which was postponed from the previous meeting, was taken up. Keith called for the orders of the day. The motion was lost. Members continued discussing the motion to buy a computer. After amendments, the motion to buy a computer and a laser printer not to exceed $2,000 was adopted as amended.

The treasurer gave his report.

Balance on hand as of April 3: $9,800.

Receipts from t-shirt sales: $200.

Expenditures for the bike-a-thon: $100.

Balance on hand as of April 10: $9,900.

The treasurer's report was filed.

The secretary presented a bill for $50 for photocopying. The members approved payment of the bill.

Mark moved to take from the table the motion to send five delegates to the state convention. The motion was adopted. Olivia moved to amend the motion by striking out "five" and inserting "two." Doc moved to refer the motion and its pending amendment to the finance committee to see what other funds are available. The previous question was ordered on all pending questions. The members voted to refer the motion and its amendment to the finance committee and report back at the next meeting.

Leslie, who voted on the prevailing side, moved to reconsider the vote on buying the computer and laser printer. The members voted to take a 15-minute recess. The meeting recessed at 3:45 p.m. and then reconvened at 4 p.m. The motion to reconsider the vote on buying the computer and laser printer was adopted. The motion to buy a computer and laser printer was carried. A division was demanded. The vote was retaken, and the motion to buy a computer and laser printer was lost.

Deadra moved that we lease a computer system from the Zone Corporation, not to exceed the specifications submitted in Proposal A.

Doc moved that when the meeting adjourns, it should adjourn to meet here tomorrow at 3 p.m. The motion carried. Doc moved to postpone the motion to lease a computer system to the adjourned meeting and make it the first item of business. The motion was adopted.

Byron moved to have a float in next year's homecoming parade.

Olivia raised a point of order that the motion to have a float in the homecoming parade was not within the scope of our bylaws. The chair ruled that the point was well taken. Byron appealed from the decision of the chair. The chair ruled that the motion was out of order because the purpose of our organization is to govern, not necessarily to participate in events. The chair's decision was sustained. The motion to have a float in next year's homecoming parade was no longer considered.

Leslie moved to adjourn. The motion was adopted.

Olivia gave notice that at the next meeting she would move to rescind Standing Rule Number 5, which states that we give $100 to Goofy Days.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Jane Jones



When an assembly can't complete its business at the present meeting but must have it completed before the next regular meeting, a member can move to set the time for an adjourned meeting. This is helpful for groups that do not provide for special meetings in their bylaws. An adjourned meeting is a legal continuation of the current meeting. When the adjourned meeting is called to order, the assembly begins where it left off. However, the minutes of the meeting being continued are read and approved before beginning the business portion of the meeting. Members can make the motion to set an adjourned meeting when no quorum is present.

Following are the minutes of the adjourned meeting:

Secretary: The adjourned meeting of Student Government was called to order April 11 at 3 p.m. by the president. The secretary was present. The minutes of the April 10 meeting were approved as read.

The motion to lease a computer system that was postponed to the adjourned meeting was discussed. During the meeting, the treasurer received a note from the Dean's office that stated that all student activities offices will be getting a computer system by the end of the term. Deadra requested permission to withdraw the motion. Permission was granted by the assembly.

Mark moved that the meeting adjourn at 3:25 p.m. The previous question was ordered on the motion. The motion to adjourn at 3:25 p.m. was adopted.

Keith moved that the time of our meetings be changed to 7 p.m. Byron questioned the assembly's ability to change the time because it was established by a prior vote to be 3 p.m. The chair ruled that the procedure was proper. The procedure was the motion to "amend something previously adopted." Because no previous notice was given, the motion requires a two-thirds vote to adopt.

The chair adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.

Jane Jones


Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

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