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Data, skepticism about, 146
Debate, encouraging, 146
Decision-making ability, 180, 185
Defined-benefit retirement plans, 3
Defined-contribution retirement plans, 3
Dell, Michael, 7, 11, 29, 58–74
on culture, 42–43
"demand side" of strategy of, 64–67
direct distillation model of, 59–60
on direct model, 32–33
and flourishing in "bad" times, 62–64
on having fun, 52
initial successes of, 58
and involving customers from the beginning, 67–68
and involving everyone in creating customer value, 68–69
on listening to the customer, 55
and structuring the organization around the customer, 70–72
on understanding the customer, 56
Dell Computer, 7, 11, 44
culture at, 42–43
"outside-in" perspective at, 32–33
rapid growth of, 58
stock performance of, 26, 29
(See also Dell, Michael)
Demand, customer, 64–67
Digital decade, 159
"Digital nervous system," 160–161
Digital transactions, 167, 168
Digitizing information, 161–162
Direct distillation model, 59–60
Direct model, 32–33, 59–60
Discounting, 46, 201, 204, 206, 208–209
Discussion, encouraging, 146
Disk operating system (DOS), 157
Disney, 20
Documents, retrieval of, 169
DOS (disk operating system), 157
Dot-com companies, 5
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 3
Drucker, Peter, 35–36, 51, 52, 72–73

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