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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



Laggards, 35
Late majority buyers, 35
Leads, 81–82
and advertising, 130–131
and brochures/collateral, 124–127
in Column A, 119–123
components of, 133
letters/faxes/emails for generating, 132
and marketing, 124
marketing's role in creating, 115–133
and seminars, 129–130
and trade shows, 128–129
Champion, 170–176
demand created with, 132
management oversight of, 227
prospecting, 144, 147–149
takeback, 231–232
Life cycle (of an offering), 30–31, 45
Listening, 200

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

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