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PAJES mnemonic for evidence, 21–24, 86–87
Payment choices, business lunch, 75–77
Personal experience as PAJES evidence, 22
Persuasive speaking, 161–172
intensity and passion, 162–172
key dos and don'ts, 173
Marine Corps, 164–171
risks of, 163
Peterson, Hank, 102, 103–104, 105–106, 112
Phrases, visual, in presentation, 32–33
Physical appearance
high visibility speaking, 94–96
and speaker impact, 16–19
Physical steps to overcome fear, 7, 12–14
excess energy dispersion, 16, 18
Eye-Brain Control, 15–16
vs. defensive behaviors, 14–16
Place of presentation, 29, 33, 40
Point of view in on-the-spot format, 96, 97
Positive presentation of results, 56–57
Posture, 17–18, 19, 58
Preparation for talk, 12–14
audience knowledge, 12–13
for bad news delivery, 127–128
beginning your speech, 14
key preparation questions, 29–33
practice your speech, 13
pre-presentation for high visibility speaking, 96–100
reading speech to audience, 13–14
subject knowledge, 12
writing out your speech, 13
Presentation speaking, 175–189
award presentation, 186–188
beginning, 14, 29–30, 74–75
building anticipation, 111
common bond, 177–178
emcee format, 178–186
identify key people in group, 176–177
introduction format, 178–186
key dos and don'ts, 188–189
open event, 176–178
tell them what they saw, 110–111
tell them what they want, 112–113
tell them what they will see, 110
Problem cause in selling your ideas, 80–82, 83–85
Projector, for visual impact, 31
Purpose of presentation, 29–30, 140–141
Put down question, classic, 62

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

Table of Contents, How To Present To Any Audience Resources Page
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