Serving Santa Monica, West Los Angeles, and Greater Los Angeles

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Westside Toastmasters General Meeting Agenda


Sergeant-At-Arms calls meeting to order to introduce President
  1. Opening thought is presented
  2. Introduces President


President - Reviews Club Business
  1. Asks guests to introduce themselves
  2. Asks for Club Officer reports
  3. Unfinished and new business
  4. Announcements
  5. Introduces Toastmaster


  1. Briefly explains the three parts of the meeting, and theme
  2. Introduces the Grammarian / WordMaster who explains their role and introduces a word of the day
  3. Introduces the Filler Word Counter (he/she counts "um"s, unnecessary "and"s, other filler words)
  4. Introduces the Joke Master who will deliver a joke
  5. Introduces the Table Topics Master


Table Topics Master
  1. Gives the purpose of Table Topics and explains subject
  2. Asks timer to explain timing rules for Table Topics
  3. Directs a topic to each of the participants (describes Topic first, then picks participant)
  4. Give guests the option to participate
  5. Asks timer if all of the participants qualified for the vote
  6. Calls for the vote on Best Table Topics speaker
  7. Announces a 10 minute recess starting in the range of 7:50pm to 8:00pm


Toastmaster Calls Meeting To Order
  1. Gives the purpose of the formal speeches
  2. Asks the timer to explain the timing rules for speeches
  3. Introduces the speakers, one by one.
    Give each person's name, speech number and purpose, and title of speech
  4. Asks timer if all of the speakers qualified for vote
  5. Calls for the vote on the Best Speaker, (First and Second Best speaker, if 4 or more)
  6. Introduces the General Evaluator


General Evaluator
  1. Gives the purpose of evaluation
  2. Asks Timer to explain timing rules for evaluation
  3. Introduces the evaluators, one by one.
  4. Asks Timer if all Evaluators qualified and calls for the vote on Best Evaluator
  5. Introduces the Grammarian and asks for his / her report
  6. Introduces the Filler Word Counter and asks for his / her report
  7. Briefly evaluates the entire meeting
  8. Returns control to Toastmaster


Toastmaster presents awards
  1. Best Table Topics
  2. Best Evaluator
  3. Best Speaker
  4. Returns control to President


  1. Asks each guest for a brief comment
  2. Makes any additional announcements
  3. Asks Educational Vice-President to announce next week's schedule
  4. Asks for any closing thoughts and adjourns meeting.

Download a version of the general meeting agenda in Adobe PDF format.