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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California - Westside Toastmasters on Meetup



Sacrifice, 26, 142
Scarcity, 83
Schweitzer, Mark, 55
Scott, George C., 15-16
Scripts, for presentations, 84
Self-awareness, 15-17
Self-criticism, 123-124
Self-deprecation, 110, 182
Self-disclosure, 186-187
Self-preservation, 60
Selling the message, 114-115
September 11, 2001, xvii, 6-7, 22-24, 54, 116
Serenity, 94
Shared experience, 98-99, 102
Sharing learning, 76
Shrake, Bud, 160-161
Significance, in leadership communications, 5
Silence, 118
Simplicity, of messages, 55, 121
Simulations, 183-184
Sloan, Alfred, 74
Small talk, 152-153
Snead, Sam, 160
Social contract, 74
Social proof, 82
Sorrell, Martin, 65
Spielberg, Steven, 186
Storytelling, 177-189
acting out stories, 183-184
importance of, 184
power of stories, 178-183
Summary, 85
Sundance Institute, 181
Support, 137
Surveys, 45
Sustaining leadership messages, xviii-xix, 126-189
Symbols, 117

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