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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California - Westside Toastmasters on Meetup



Abrams, Creighton, 177-178
Accessibility, 58, 107
Accountability, 66
recognizing, 8, 70, 150-151, 155
rewarding, 154-155
Acknowledging objections, 101
Acting out stories, 183-184
Action coaching model, 152-153, 156
Active communications, 43
Afghanistan, 36
All-employee meetings, 50
Amends, making, 36
Analogies, 76
Anecdotes, 78-79, 182
Apollo 13, 60
Apologies, 36
Apple Computer, 18, 47, 180
Arguments, structuring, 80-81
Armitage, Richard, 93-94
Arthur Andersen, 28
Asking for the sale, 115
Audience assessment, 97-107
creating relationships in, 103
desires of audience in, 99
dialogue with audience, 130, 132-133
engaging audience, 128-129
expectations of audience in, 99-101
hostility and, 98-99
overcoming objections and, 20, 101-103
reaching correct audience, 52-54
of coaches, 110-111
of presenters, 109-110
Authority, 82-83

Table of Contents, Communication Secrets Resources Page
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