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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



Banner ads, 85
Benefit statements, 93
"Best practices," 26–27
Bias, 113, 121, 154
Brochures, 124–127
and change, 133
and leads, 117–119, 123
and prospecting, 141
Business development (see Prospecting)
Business issues:
and advertising, 130
and change, 133
and prospecting, 141, 147
wording of, 142
Buyer vision, 151–165
asking questions to develop, 153–154
and commodities, 161–164
and competing for Column A, 159–161
patience/intelligence needed for, 152–153
sample conversation for developing, 155–159
Solution Formulators for developing, 104
verification of, 164
empowering, 7–8, 50–51
goals of, 116–117, 124, 129
qualifying (see Qualifying buyers)
quantity vs. quality of, 21
and solutions, 55–56
Buying cycles, 113, 151
Key Players in, 178
mindshare necessary for starting, 124
and 72 percent zone, 44
visibility/control of, 187
Buzzwords, 16, 160

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

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