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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



Participation (of buyer), 51
Patience, 39–40, 152–153, 165, 201, 221
Peers, 227
Performance, skill mastery vs., 223–224
Persistence, 176
Pinocchio effect, 90
Pipeline management, 207–216
Pipeline milestones, 63, 70–71, 208, 229, 230
Positioning, 17–18, 99, 104–106
Posturing, 199–201
Predictability, 36
Premature closing, 58–60, 68, 181–182, 196
Presentations, conversations vs., 2–3
Pressure, 8, 181, 194
compromise, 25
as excuse for lack of sale, 21–22
and features, 18–19
and negotiation, 196
Process (term), 63
Procrastination, 207–208, 214
positioning of, 17–18
reliance on, 5–6
Product configurators, 131
Product development, 82
Product marketing, 81, 90
Product training, 5, 14, 90
Product usage, 4, 89–98
conversations about, 5–6
and early-market buyers, 31
example of, 97–98
features vs., 19, 91–93
and Pinocchio effect, 90
in Sales-Primed Communications, 84
scenarios of, 93–98
shared mission of sales and marketing for, 98
Promotion (of top sellers), 40–42
Prospecting, 135–150
common scenarios of, 143–146
and generating interest, 140–143
letters/faxes/email for, 147–149
psychology of, 136–137
and referrals, 146–147
techniques for, 140
with telemarketing, 137–146
"Push back," 175, 209

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

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