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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



Rackham, Neil, 55–56, 221
Reciprocal relationships, 51–52
Reese, S., 54
References, 142
Referrals, 146–147
Regrading sessions, 233–234, 248
Relationship-focused behavior, solution-focused vs., 4
Repeatability, 64
Requests for information (RFIs), 178
Requests for proposal (RFPs), 42, 76–77
Customer Focused Selling applied to, 249
qualifying, 178–180
Requests for quotation (RFQs), 178
Researching prospects, 141
Response cards, 131
"Results envy," 131
Review and edit, customer, 143
RFIs (requests for information), 178
RFQs (requests for quotation), 178
"Rifle" approach, 141
Role playing, 227
"Running a beauty contest," 190

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

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