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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



feedback from, 85
and marketing, 12–14
and Sales-Primed Communications, 132
and SFs, 113
shared mission of marketing and, 98
Sales force automation (SFA) systems, 26–27, 63–65, 87
Sales funnel milestones, 63
Sales managers:
champions qualified by, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176
and Customer Focused Selling, 246
and documentation of sequence, 182–183
forecasting by, 23
in "good cop/bad cop game," 197
leveraging experience of, 228–233
and pipeline management, 136, 208
and premature closing, 59
qualifying buyers and, 167
role of, 133
and Sequence of Events, 188
workshops for, 247
Sales process(es), 61–80
components of, 69–70
definition of, 63
documentation of, 71–73
fresh look at, 77–79
and marketplace perception, 69
multiple, 74
pipeline milestones of, 70–71
prerequisites of successful, 63
segmentation in, 77–78
structured, 79–80
targeted conversations in, 74–75
Sales-Primed Communications, 29, 46, 99–114
buyer vision developed with, 151–165
creating library of, 247
to decision makers, 49–50
developing buyer vision with, 151–165
marketing as keeper of, 132
and pipeline management, 209
as responsibility of marketing, 84–85
and senior management, 100–101
Solution Formulator for, 103–112
and targeted conversations, 75
Targeted Conversations List for, 101–103
usage scenarios for, 106–112
for VARs, 242–244
Sales training, 14, 16, 90
assessing, 217–234
categories of, 222–223
"natural," 8–9
opinions of, 12, 14, 26–27
in postchasm markets, 36–37
role of, 133
Success Story used by, 127
training of, 14, 247
Sample cost-benefit results achieved by customers, 127
Scenarios, usage, 93–98
for Champion's use, 173
creating library of, 247
to gain mindshare, 139
internalizing the, 140
Segmentation, 77–78
defining types of, 247
empowering buyers vs., 7–8
quality vs. quantity of, 208
reframing the concept of, 47–48, 189
skills of, 224–228
structure lacking in process of, 38
Seminars, 129–130
Senior executives/management, 100–101, 209
and funnel blockages, 228
motivation of, 177
ownership of sales process by, 72–74
premature closing accelerated by, 68
selling to, 49
Sequence of Events, 181–191
benefits of, 188
buyer's commitment in, 183–184
closing in, 181–182
documentation of, 182–183
and funnel blockage, 228
and funnel management, 214
keeping committees on track with, 184–187
and mainstream-market buyers, 189–191
and pipeline management, 209, 210, 216
and reframing the concept of selling, 189
template for, 186
visibility/control of sales cycles with, 187
and withdrawal, 187–188
Services, 113
72 percent zone, 43–46
Siebel Systems, 69, 87
"Silos," 81
Skills, selling, 224–228
Solution, buyer declaration of, 56
Solution Formulators (SFs), 55, 103–106
and commodities, 161–164
and competing for Column A, 160
components of, 104
creating library of, 247
and funnel blockages, 227
patience/intelligence in, 152–153, 165
sample conversation for, 155–159
templates for, 108–111
for VARs, 242–243
and web sites, 132
Solution-focused behavior, relationship-focused vs., 4
"Sowing FUD" (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), 34
Specificity, degree of, 107
"Spray and pray" sales approach, 20, 40, 44, 93
Stanford Business School, 94
Strategic marketing, 81
Structure, 73
Structured sales process, 79–80
Success Stories, 126–127
and commodities, 162
creating library of, 247
and funnel blockages, 227
in prospecting, 145, 147
and qualifying Key Players, 178
for VARs, 240
Summary of meetings, 177
Support people, training of, 247

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