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Law, Joseph Bernard, 170
Lazarus, Shelly, xvii, 7, 41, 63-66, 114, 150, 168
Leadership Communication Action Planner, xix, 9-10, 21-22, 37, 61-63, 72-73, 88-89, 103-104, 119-120, 133-134, 154-156, 171, 184-185
Leadership communications
e-communications in, 67-76
enabling listening in, 8-9
importance of, xviii-xix, 2
nature of, 3-5
purposes of, 6-7, 20
reiterating leadership in, 9
self-awareness in, 15-17
styles of, xvi-xviii, 20, 112
as two-way process, 46, 57, 70, 145
types of communicators, 17-20
Leadership communications planning, 41-66
active versus passive communication in, 43
assessing organizational climate in, 43-46
audience in, 52-54
benefits of, 61
communication channels in, 47-52
frequency of communication in, 52
integrated, 52
marketing the message in, 55-57
organizational feedback in, 57-60
resonant messages in, 54-55
strategies in, 46-47
timing in, 54
Leadership (Giuliani), 24-25
Leadership message, 4-5
communicating up, 34-35
credibility of, 28-30, 35-36
defined, xviii
delivering, xviii, 96-124
developing, xviii, 2-94
examples of, 7-8, 31
purposes of, 32-34
sustaining, xviii-xix, 126-189
uncovering meaning of, 30-31
Leading from the front, 14, 25-26
Leading Up (Useem), 34
Learning from others, 40
Leave-behind materials, 167-168
Length, of presentation, 85
Levity, 26, 79, 93, 107, 110, 136, 182
Lexis/Nexis, 78
Lighting, 131
Liking, 82
Lincoln, Abraham, 59
Linn, Ed, 105
Listening, in leadership communications, 8-9, 38, 106, 141, 151, 167
Living your message, 14, 26, 40, 66, 76, 94, 107, 124, 137, 142, 160, 162, 169-170, 189
Lloyd George, David, 13
Location, of presentation, 87-88
Lombardi, Vince, 19, 101, 143, 148, 150, 154, 156-160, 164
Lott, Trent, 114

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