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Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California



Tactical marketing, 13, 14, 81
Takeback letter, 231–232
Targeted Conversations, 74–75, 101–103, 239
Targeted Conversations List, 104, 124, 126, 129, 174, 247
Technical information, 125
acceptance of new, 30
early-market buyers of new, 31–33
and price erosion, 45
and trade shows, 128
Telemarketing, 137–146
and generating interest, 140–143
and stereotypes, 137–1139
techniques for, 140
Templates, questioning, 103–106
Timing, end of quarter, 229
Titles, job, 101–103
of Key Players, 173–174
and prospecting, 141, 142
TMI (too much information), 125
Toll-free numbers, 131
Too much information (TMI), 125
Top-down approach to sales, 101, 168
Trade shows, 128–129
Customer-Focused, 247–248
golf analogy for, 219–221
of new hires, 14–16
product, 5
product vs. sales, 90
relationship-focused, 4
Success Story used in, 126
Tuck, Larry, 62
Turnover, 216

Westside Toastmasters on Meetup

Table of Contents, Customer Focused Selling Resources Page
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